Another Proud Daddy Moment

Here’s Taylor singing at the Sunnyside Elementary talent show…Yet another proud Daddy moment!!!

Day 2 in Chicago


Christine and I are having a blast in Chicago! Yesterday we took a train up from Bloomington, did some shopping and then headed off to see Blue Man Group. We thought we’d sleep in a bit this morning and then have a nice breakfast…the only problem was that we slept in until 11am! Today, we spent the afternoon wandering the streets of Chicago, stopping at a few shops, Millennium Park, the Sears Tower and then headed off to dinner at this place. Now we’re laying low in our hotel room until it’s time to go see Jersey Boys at the Bank of America Theater. I’m having the time of my life hangin’ out with the love of my life…

Time For a Getaway


In a few days, the love of my life turns the big “Four-Ohhh”. To celebrate, we’re taking a break from all the insanity that’s been surrounding our search for a new ministry home and heading out of town together for 3 days. To say this is a much needed trip would be an enormous understatement. This is very much a season of faith stretching in our lives and to be honest…it’s been a bit exhausting for both of us. A few days to decompress and focus on one another will be a welcome change of pace. So Thursday, we’ll catch the train up to Chicago, stay at a really nice hotel, see a couple shows, eat some great food and do some Michigan Avenue shopping. More importantly, we’ll be able to be alone together, away from everything and free to simply take a breath and get some rest.

I say it a lot on this blog…I married up. But lately, I’ve come to realize just how far up I married. I don’t always get it right and I know I’m far from being the kind of Husband God has designed me to be. But for some reason, God chose to bless my life with someone incredible and I can’t wait to get away and spend some time with the gift God gave me.

Dancin’ Machine

My Son Turner loves to dance. He loves it so much that we decided to put him in a Hip-Hop class. Tonight, all the hard work came together in His first ever dance recital. Watch for his big solo in the middle of the routine! Check it out…

So Thankful


There’s a lot to be thankful for this year. I’m thankful for God’s direction and guidance. I’m thankful for 2 wonderful kids. I’m thankful for great friends and I’m thankful for a great ministry team. But this year I’m reminded more than ever how blessed I am to have Christine for a wife. She is the most gracious, kind, thoughtful, Godly, passionate person I know…not to mention one seriously amazing Mommy! It’s been nearly 10 years since God brought us together and it all seems so brand new and wonderful.

It’s amazing to me that the great God of the universe, long before any of us drew a breath, had us in mind for one another. He knew what we would would need from each other and hardwired it within us. He knew what would touch my heart and laid it on hers. He knew what would move her and instilled it in me. He created us for His glory and for one another…that’s amazing to me!

This Thanksgiving I want God to know how grateful I am for his grace in my life and for the one He created for me to do life with. I am truly blessed beyond measure.

I love you Christine!

Taking Inventory

Before I was in ministry full-time, I was in inventory control. It wasn’t always the most glamorous job on the planet, but it paid the bills and provided for my family. Every year, we would have a giant inventory count. Everyone would work overtime, grab a scanner and count everything twice. This was a huge task…especially considering the size of the inventory we were counting. But, what I remember most was the pressure for the counts to match what our system said we had in stock.

You see, my job was to do all the little things necessary to ensure those counts came out right…if they didn’t, it meant that I hadn’t done my job very well. Now, after nearly 3 years of full-time ministry, I’m realizing that those skills I used in the warehouse still apply today. If a team came in and took a scanner to my life inventory, would it all add up? Would there be a balance between my family time and my ministry time? Would they find a balance between doing my job and ministering to people? Would they find that my actions balanced with my purpose? Would they find that I was living up to the calling God has placed on my life?

In the end, just like my warehouse days, I find myself feeling some pressure. Because, let’s be honest, the balance I mentioned above is very difficult to accomplish. I want my family to have the best of me. I want my team and my church to be cared for. I want my actions to reflect my purpose…and I want desperatley to live up to the call God has on my life. The key isn’t found in the big inventory…the key is found in all the little things. The extra time spent tucking your kids in at night. Helping your daughter with 4th grade math (even if you don’t understand it), coaching your Son’s football team even though you can’t imagine fitting it into your schedule. Cooking your Wife breakfast (even if you really only know how to make one thing). Taking a team member to lunch. Remembering a birthday or sending an encouraging email. Taking time to have a conversation after church even though you really just want a cup of coffee and a nap. Digging into the Word…even though you have 2 meetings to prep for.

If we can somehow remember those small things, our overall life inventory will line up every time.

A Day In The Enemy’s Camp

Yesterday was a blast, albeit a blast in the camp of the enemy. I broke the code of conduct of any blue blooded Seahawk fan and headed up to the Chicago Bears training camp with my Son and his football team. Minus a 2 1/2 hour bus ride (both ways) with 30 screaming 6 year olds, the day was wonderful. My favorite part was watching Turner try out the passing drill and nail all of the targets. Not only were the other kids blown away, so were the other coaches…and so was Dad!

Autographs were impossible, but Turner was happy just seeing the players…especially the ones on his Madden NFL game. After watching practice, I’m convinced that the Bears are heading for 6-10. Devin Hester was the lone bright spot on a pending disaster of an NFL team.

I love football, but have never coached…so helping coach these kids is a step outside of my comfort zone, but it’s been a true joy so far. Getting a chance to invest in these little guys and the other coaches is the best part of the deal. After a day of pretending to actually like the Bears, I’m back to my true blue ways…and so is my Son. Just having a day with him was worth everything.

Taking a Day

Tomorrow I’m taking a day. I’m taking a day to refresh, a day to refocus, a day to rethink, a day to be away from the ministry I love and focus on the Son I love so dearly, a day to think on other things, a day to have fun and a day to commune with my God.

The last few months have been incredibly challenging. In fact, this is the most difficult season I have had in ministry. Not because of any one thing or circumstance, but simply because there’s a lot. There’s a lot going on, a lot to process, a lot to pray through and a lot to this thing called ministry. This week it became obvious to me that I need to break away. I need to love on my kids, escape with my wife, sit and do nothing or run around and do something else…

So tomorrow is the tip of the iceberg. My Daughter is at camp, my Wife will be at work, so me and the boy wonder get to hang…ALL DAY. What’s next? For the first time since I arrived at Vale, I AM GOING TO USE ALL MY VACATION. I scrambled yesterday to knock out our fall series to help clear the way for this to happen. Not because I don’t love what I do, but because I love having right priorities, a right heart, right relationships and a right perspective all the more.

For me, it’s become obvious that I need to make “taking a day” a consistent habit, not an after thought when priorities seem a bit out of whack. The look on my Son’s face when he found out we have a whole day together told me I’m doing the right thing.

Light Painting For Mommy

The kids and I did a little experiment in “light painting” tonight…



It Still Works?

Today my Son accidentally ripped one of his dollar bills. Distraught at his half torn piece of currency, he crumpled it up and threw it in the trash. His big sister came running down the stairs to tell us the whole story and asked if the dollar was ruined. “Of course not”, we said.

His sister then yells upstairs saying; “Turner, you can still use it!”  Turner’s response was priceless…

“It still works?”

Man I love my 6 year old!